Top 10k strings from 16-48 Magazine - Issue 18 (1985)(16-48 Tape Magazine)(Side A).tzx
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8 GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG 6 4 gazine Ltd. *6\$: 4 3 FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF 3 B.C.THORNE APRIL 1983*S\ 3 ;"Ludoid5 3 9888888888 3 16/48 script 3 ((prog+474 3 "Nothing happens": 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 z$="10030203STOP THE TAPE": 2 z$="10030203RUN THE TAPE": 2 z$="09020203STOP THE TAPE": 2 z$="00000202THAT'S ALL FOLKS": 2 d$="n ew": 2 d$=" sew": 2 a$=" " 2 Press any key 2 PRESS ANY KEY 2 GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG 2 GGGGGEEEEFFFFFFFGGGGGG 2 GGGGGEEEEEEEEEEEGGGGGG 2 FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF 2 ;"tutor9": 2 ;"HIT A KEY( 2 ;"BEGIN 1": 2 ;"16/48TITLE" 2 ;" ": 2 88888888888888888888888888888888 2 "You cannot": 2 "I cannot help you": 2 "18")="1": 2 " ": 2 to page backwards."''''" 2 2 2 2 1 |l|ll|l|<n 1 z$="20000202CONGRATULATIONS!": 1 z$="13030305CHAPTER 9": 1 z$="13010505CORNER": 1 z$="12000204Let the tape run": 1 z$="11250103Camp one": 1 z$="11060203Ludoids": 1 z$="10020203RUN THE TAPE": 1 z$="10000202LET THE TAPE RUN": 1 z$="08240102Chapter 5": 1 z$="06070105MACHINE CODE TUTOR": 1 z$="06020305BEGINNER'S": 1 z$="06010202SURVEY PREVIEW": 1 z$="06010102THE OFFICIAL SPECTRUM+ UPGRADE": 1 z$="06000202SKOOL DAZE COMP.": 1 z$="06000202**NEW FEATURES**": 1 z$="0310020216/48": 1 z$="0110020216/48": 1 z$="00050102WRITING BETTER BASIC": 1 z$="00050102WHAT'S IT ALL ABOUT?": 1 z$="00040202THE PROGRAM": 1 z$="00030202WHAT STRING?": 1 z$="00030202IMPROVEMENTS": 1 z$="00020202PRINT A STRING": 1 z$="00020202INVERSE REMS": 1 z$="00010302THE RESULT": 1 z$="00010302THE FORMAT": 1 z$="00010202PRINT ASSEMBLY": 1 z$="00010202INDEX REGISTERS": 1 z$="00000805EDIT": 1 z$="0000060516 48": 1 z$="00000402LISTINGS": 1 z$="00000402EPILOGUE": 1 z$="00000202THE 1ST PROGRAM": 1 z$="00000202LEFT RIGHT PRINT": 1 z$="00000202BE USER FRIENDLY": 1 y$="You see ": 1 y$;"a camp site in a"'"clearing to the north": 1 y$;"LUDOIDS living in the"'"camp.": 1 x=number,count=No of goes 1 x,y;b$(n);: 1 tutor9 1 t$="an ew 10100000Gbi0kkww000" 1 right we will simply INC (IX+2) and then use the print routine." 1 return to BEGIN 1, usually STOP would do. 1 ralphpic 1 ralphcode 1 ralph JE 1 instructions 1 edit 1 count=count+1 1 correct guess 1 check and print result 1 b$="You have now traced the LUDOIDS | to ajungle planet.": 1 b$="Press I for instructions P for a Print- out, and S to save this program (C Continues)": 1 b$="ENTER the code from last months game (OR hit ENTER)": 1 agazine Ltd*S\ 1 a$="_opqrstu": 1 a$="TRIG": 1 a$="TRAP": 1 a$="MACH": 1 a$="DETEC": 1 a$="CIGA": 1 a$="CHEST": 1 a$="CAMP": 1 a$="BOTT": 1 Z$="10030203RUN THE TAPE": 1 Z$=" ": 1 You become a midnight snack": 1 W$(W)=A$(16 1 W$(W)=" ": 1 UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU 1 UUUUUUUUUUU 1 UUUUUUUUUG 1 UUUUUUUUUA 1 UUU?EUUUUUUUUW 1 UNDER THE MOONBASE, IN A CAVERN! 1 TVVn<808TZn 1 THE STORE, FOOD FOR THE EATING ! 1 THE SMELLY END OF THE AIR VENTS!% 1 S$(N),S(N): 1 RALPH I 1 Program by B.C.Thorne September 1984*K\~ 1 PRESS 'ENTER' - TO CONTINUE 1 NOTES on highlighted line: 1 N;" C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S"; 1 Mr N Bunting of Bath and 1 Mr L R Curtis of Leicester 1 Mr A E Woolgar of Leeds 1 Mr A Cox from Ascot 1 London W4 4PH. 1 LWH Volume 2 1 LUDOIDS #5 1 LD IX,(23635) 1 LABEL OPERATION 1 K$="ZXMHA" 1 IN A COLD WORKSHOP - GOOD LUCK ! 1 GGGGGGEEFFFFFFGGGGGGGG 1 GGGGGGEEEEEEEGGGGGGGGG 1 GGGGGGEEEEEEEEEGGGGGGG 1 GGGGGEEEEFFFFFFGGGGGGG 1 GGGGGEEEEFFFFFFFFGGGGG 1 GGGGGEEEEEFFFFFGGGGGGG 1 FINAL VERSION 1 E ""CROSSWORD"" 1 DIS HS-TAB 1 D ""REVIEWS"" 1 Created with Ramsoft MakeTZX 1 Craig Ruxton from Ayrshire 1 Congratulations ! 1 CURSOR UP & DOWN, 0 to move on Press R to run code, V to escape 1 CURSOR UP & DOWN, 0 TO mOVE ON. (Press R to run this program.) 1 C$=C$+" ? ": 1 C$="WAIT FOR A WHILE": 1 C$="QUIT GAME": 1 C$="INVENTORY": 1 C$="HELP": 1 C$="GO WEST": 1 C$="GO UP ": 1 C$="GO SOUTH": 1 C$="GO NORTH": 1 C$="GO EAST": 1 C$="GO DOWN": 1 C ""EXPLODE""* 1 BEGIN 1 1 B$=B$+" 1 B$="*******************************": 1 B ""Golf""* 1 A;A$;": ";: 1 A$="TENT": 1 A$="STICK": 1 A$="SOUTH": 1 A$="PETROL": 1 A$="NORTH": 1 A$="BOTTLE": 1 A$="BOTT": 1 A$="ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ !*,.0123456789": 1 A ""16/48D&G18"" 1 <<<<<<<<<<<<< 1 ;x;" IS RIGHT" 1 ;a$'a$'a$'a$'a$'a$; 1 ;S(N);" "( 1 ;''"PRESS '";K$(1 1 ;"We have been sent several data base programs for storing names and addresses or telephone numbers. None of these have beenpublished to date as I have yet to be convinced that any of them have any advantages over mylittle black book." 1 ;"This month we start a new seriesfor beginners. I hope that some of you will drop us a line to let us know if you find it too difficult to follow, or too slowand easy." 1 ;"The computer has thought of a number between 0 and 999. Try toguess the number in the fewest possible goes." 1 ;"Sorry this program has been"'"copied once already": 1 ;"Send letters, programs or ideas to"'" 1 ;"STARRING ]"; 1 ;"SORRY, CAN'T DO THAT !!": 1 ;"RALPH ON ALPHA 2"; 1 ;"R A L P H O N A L P H A 2": 1 ;"Press a key": 1 ;"Preliminary analysis indicates that 99.4% of you run 16/48 in 48K, that most of you are over 25 and that there is a growing interest in utilities and buisiness oriented programs." 1 ;"Please disconnect your Kempston interface and re-load the game." 1 ;"PRESS ANY KEY" 1 ;"PRESS A KEY WHEN THE BEEP SOUNDS"; 1 ;"PRESS A KEY ( 1 ;"PLEASE 'STOP' YOUR TAPE"; 1 ;"Our issue 14 winners were;-" 1 ;"MEN LEFT"; 1 ;"LUDOIDS #5": 1 ;"LUDOIDS #5" 1 ;"LEVEL NO : ";LEV:: 1 ;"KEYBOARD TO CONTINUE.": 1 ;"KEY SELECTION PHASE"; 1 ;"JUNE 1985" 1 ;"I suspect that a fair number of people wil be put off by the fact that you need to be able tosolder. What no-one seems to have mentioned is that only the leads to the reset switch need soldering." 1 ;"Having got that little problem out of the way, is it worth the `20?"''"Very experienced users will findat first that the new key positions will slow them down." 1 ;"Has the fall of Fuller, the price of the Transform and the profusion of lesser products putyou off the idea of replacing your keyboard?" 1 ;"HIGH SCORE TABLE" 1 ;"GUESSING GAME" 1 ;"DEMO MODE"; 1 ;"BEGIN 1" 1 ;"At the time of writing we have only had time to analyse the first 350 replies to issue 16's survey. I would like to thank all of you who took part. Given that you had to pay the postage it was gratifying to get such a good response." 1 ;"AND PRESS ANY KEY ON YOUR"; 1 ;"ALL THE KEYS ARE OKAY !"; 1 ;"AIR LEFT"; 1 ;"16/48TITLE": 1 ;"10 LET x= 1 ;"################################": 1 ;"""tutor9"""'''"An introduction to index registers and another ROM routine in our machine code series": 1 ;"""edit"""''"He's rabbiting on about loads ofstuff this month.": 1 ;"""comp18"""''"The VIRGIN competition. This screen was designed by Virgin's graphic artist Ian Matthias. Iangot the job on the strength of his winning entry to the competition in 16/48 Issue ONE!": 1 ;"""REVIEWS"""''"Comments and screen displays from the latest software.": 1 ;"""RALPH"""''"Ralph on Alpha 2. A multiscreen game by Darren Farmer and AndrewDunne of Accrington."''"Apologies for the lack of a quitoption. You will have to pull the plug (or press reset) and LOAD"""" to continue.": 1 ;"""LUDOIDS #5"""''"Chapter 5 gets you closer than ever to the Ludoids themselves.": 1 ;"""Golf"""''"This is a full 18 hole game for 1 or 2 players. From Hugh Duddy in County Antrim.": 1 ;"""EXPLODE"""''"Spectacular special effects fromKevin Cowtan.": 1 ;"""CROSSWORD"""'''"(You too could win a portrait in brown of the lady of the lamp if you send in a good 11 by 11 crossword with solution and clues on paper!)": 1 ;"""BEGIN 1"""''"The first in our new series on better BASIC programming.": 1 ;"""16/48TITLE"""''"Oh no, caught introspecting again.": 1 ;"""16/48D&G18"""''" ""OF DUNGEONS AND GREEN MEN"""''"Help from YAZ for the first 3 chapters of LUDOIDS.": 1 ;" YOUR NAME CAN NOW BE ENSCRIBED ONTO THE SCROLL OF HEROISM" 1 ;" TAPE 18 JUNE 85 SIDE 1 " 1 ;" RALPH ]"; 1 ;" 16/48 JUNE 85 TAPE 18 " 1 ;" * FULL 48K PROGRAMS."'" (16K MACHINES WILL SKIP THESE.)": 1 ;" WHAT A SHAME...YOU APPEAR TO HAVE RUN OUT OF TIME!!" 1 ;" ": 1 ;" " 1 ;" " 1 ;" ": 1 ;" ": 1 :<<<:::::?<<: 1 :888888888 1 988888:888 1 8888888888888 1 70 IF guess>x 1 50 INPUT ""Type your guess and press ENTER"";guess 1 32 1 16/48TITLE 1 16/48LOAD1 1 16/48 magazine, 1 10 Barley Mow Passage, 1 0000000000000000000000000000000 1 ,"VYVYAN",2545 1 ,"SLITHER, PAUL",6567 1 ,"RICK",4000 1 ,"R A L P H",7678 1 ,"FOZZY",3500 1 ,"DODO",3000 1 ,"DAZ 'N' ANDY",1434 1 ,"ARCHIBALD",5500 1 ,"'SIR' CLIVE",4457 1 *1000)"'"40 REM enter a guess."'"50 INPUT guess"'"60 REM check guess and print result"'"70 IF guess>x 1 *1000)"'"20 INPUT g"'"30 IF g>x 1 ********************************* 1 *************** 1 );"' TO SELECT THE"'" CORRECT LETTER THEN PRESS '";K$(3 1 );"' AND '";K$(2 1 )+"' .... MOVE RIGHT.","'"+K$(3 1 )+"' .... MOVE LEFT.","'"+K$(2 1 )+"' .... HOLD KEY.","'"+K$(5 1 )+"' .... ACTION KEY.","'"+K$(4 1 )+"' .... ABORT KEY.","","TO RE-DEFINE MOVEMENT KEYS :","PRESS THE 'D' KEY.","","","","","YOUR MISSION IS :","TO GUIDE RALPH AROUND EACH","LEVEL OF THE MOONBASE,","COLLECTING VARIOUS OBJECTS","SCATTERED AROUND BY THE","VIBRATIONS FROM A RECENT","MOONQUAKE." 1 '''"Welcome to this new series of programs for beginners at BASIC on the Spectrum." 1 '''"We will take a very simple BASICprogram and do three things." 1 '''"We have already seen how to use the RST 10H routine to print a single character. There is a ROMroutine at 203CH (8252dec) whichprints a whole string." 1 '''"We are going to print a user defined ""b"" between two spaces"'"in red ink at line 20 and column 15." 1 '''"The code for this program is located in the UDG area. The 8 numbers defining the print codesfor the sprite are at 1 '''"The assembly listing for a program which does no more than this simple print statement is -" 1 '''"The Z80 has two index registers,IX and IY. These are 16 bit registers and are very useful for holding base addresses of tables of numbers." 1 '''"The REMs in the listing at 6000 are highlighted by pressing INV.VIDEO after pressing REM andpressing TRUE VIDEO at the end of the line." 1 '''"See you next month."''"Press any key to start again."''''" 1 '''"SPRITE is "; 1 '''"Next month we look at Interrupt Mode 2!"''"Press any key to start again."''''" 1 '''"Listings should abound with REM statements and variables should be given names which reflect their function. Like this." 1 '''"If you ran the little program you will have noticed that it isnot at all friendly. The next stage is is to illustrate how wecan put some flesh on the bare bones of th program." 1 '''"INPUT statements should always be accompanied by some printed instruction so that the user knows what to do next."''" 1 '''"After reading the keyboard last month we ought to be ready to try a litle user controlled animation." 1 '''"A much more complete version of our little program is situated at line 6000 in this program. A variable 'count' has been added to count the number of guesses and a more attractive ending has also been added." 1 ''"These programs assume that you have at least had a stab at reading the manual, but not thatyou have had time to take all ofit on board." 1 ''"There are two reasons for doing this."''" 1 ''"The program should also provide feedback to the user so that he knows what he has done and has some confidence that the programalso knows."''" 1 ''"I hope the rather silly speed ofthis routine will inspire you totry using it in a loop which looks at lots of sprites and still has time to do something else." 1 ''"Here is a simple game. You have to guess the computer's secret number." 1 ''"Hardened hackers had better use the quit key now!" 1 ''"For the sake of clarity we will stick to using lower case for everything except KEYWORDS." 1 ''" 1 ""16/48TITLE"" 1 ''" HARD LUCK CHUM...YOU WEREN'T GOOD ENOUGH TO QUALIFY FOR THE HIGH SCORE TABLE! " 1 '"or for the perverse it could be"''" 1 '"Where SPRITE is the address at which we stored the string." 1 '"We will be using the Index registers in this routine as they will prove very useful if you ever expand the program to deal with more than one sprite." 1 '"We are going to write a short program to move a small sprite around the screen." 1 '"To use the routine we load DE with the address at which we have stored our first character (since this routine uses RST 10H this can be a control code.) and we load BC with the number of characters (including controlcodes) in the string." 1 '"This version of the program still has some draw backs. Entering a letter instead of a number will cause the program tocrash out with a 'Variable not found' error report." 1 '"This program has already stored these 8 codes at "; 1 '"There are exits visible;"'("North," 1 '"Then we CALL 203CH and Bob's your uncle." 1 '"The program still needs to be MUG TRAPPED, but that will have to wait until next month." 1 '"The prize for our most hated feature went to the glue! Improvements are promised." 1 '"So if IX holds the first addressthen then (Ix+d) is the number stored d addresses futher up thetable." 1 '"Since a reset switch is a luxurywhich most of us have have learned to live without, and as it has no effect on any other functions, the soldering is far from essential." 1 '"Or has Sinclair has revived your interest with the new kit to turn your rubbery little box into a gleaming new Spectrum+? "'"If so, read on..." 1 '"Note the semicolon." 1 '"Newer users and those who find the manual heavy going will appreciate the short, but colourful new Users Guide and the way the new box sits firmly on the desk." 1 '"More details next month, when the computer finishes analysing the whole pile." 1 '"Meanwhile some good news for ten readers....." 1 '"Look at page 183 of the manual." 1 '"LD IX,SPRITE LD BC,65278 (CAPSHIFT to V)"'"IN A,(C)"'"BIT 4,A (zero if V is pressed)"'"RET Z (back to basic if it is)" 1 '"In response to early indicationsfrom the survey we have started to work on a new section devotedto more serious buisiness type programs. Since 35% of you seem to have microdrives we will, of course keep these in mind." 1 '"In BASIC this is"''" 1 '"IX and IY can be used with displacements, any number up to 255 (FFH) can be added so that particular values of a table canbe accessed." 1 '"First an introduction to anotheruseful little ROM routine." 1 '"But work is on hand to make better use of the drives and we hope you will keep watching thisspace for more news." 1 '"10 REM guessing game."'"20 REM x is unknown number"'"30 LET x= 1 $8888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 1 #p;"H = HELP"'"P = PAUSE"'"R repeats the previous command"'"Q = QUIT" 1 #p''"You will need to draw a map of where you go to avoid getting lost.": 1 #p''"Once the jammer has been"'"destroyed, you can return to"'"your spaceship by pressing the wrist detector." 1 #p'"Your mission is to find the"'"LUDOIDS |, and destroy their"'"Trans-Mat jammers" 1 #p'"You have a WRIST DETECTOR which will destroy a jammer if you"'"press it when you are near one." 1 #p'"The following letters"'"ON THEIR OWN have special"'"meanings" 1 #p'"The Computer will tell you what happens. You tell the computer what you want to do by typing inENGLISH and then pressing 1 #p'"N = Go NORTH"'"S = GO SOUTH ...etc"''"V or L Shows the VIEW"'"I = INVENTORY (""What have I got with me ?"")" 1 #p'"LOAD- allows you to load the"'"details back again." 1 #p'"Avoid negatives or trying to do more than one thing at a time." 1 #P''"SAVE- will save details of the game at any point to tape, in two short pieces of code" 1 #P''"Hi-res full screen pictures willremain displayed until you pressany key." 1 "zzzzzz...": 1 "increase column number by 1","Put maximum column number in A","Are we at right edge of screen?","If not at edge we can print,","But if we are then make column 28 to prevent leaving screen." 1 "correct": 1 "a";". To move to the 1 "Your fate is not yet SEWN up !": 1 "Your detector cannot get close enough to destroy the jammer"'"You must destroy the machine !": 1 "You take a ";m$: 1 "You set fire to it."'" 1 "You see nothing more to help you": 1 "You see a horribly familiar"'"animal looking at you.": 1 "You read some co-ordinates on it": 1 "You made it !": 1 "You have with you;": 1 "You have nothing to eat": 1 "You have nothing to drink": 1 "You have not found the"'"co-ordinates yet GO BACK !": 1 "You have not destroyed the"'"jammer": 1 "You drop the ";m$: 1 "You don't find anything": 1 "You do not have the correct key": 1 "You destroy the jammer !": 1 "You cannot" 1 "You cannot go in that direction": 1 "You can see; ";m$ 1 "You are not strong enough": 1 "You are in dense jungle. It is nightime.": 1 "You are in an empty campsite.": 1 "You are in a very small"'"clearing, surrounded by"'"Venus man trap plants.": 1 "You are in a small clearing withtwisting paths leading away in all directions.": 1 "You are in a patch of Bamboo": 1 "You are ignored": 1 "You are captured by the Trap."'"You are killed": 1 "You are captured and killed by the LUDOIDS.": 1 "You are an area of Tall grass & jungle.": 1 "What are you going to do ?"'" 1 "Type your guess and press ENTER.";guess 1 "Time passes...": 1 "This area of jungle seems to be well looked after.": 1 "This SAVEs this stage of the"'"game on to tape."'"Do you want to carry on ? Y/N": 1 "This LOADS a previous game from tape"'"Do you want to continue ? Y/N" 1 "There is no reply": 1 "There is a fence in front of you": 1 "There is a campsite to the south": 1 "There are triggers in the trap.": 1 "The trap shuts on the stick.": 1 "The program is too long for one screen so here is the keyboard reading bit. ( 1 "The number is smaller than ";guess 1 "The number is bigger than ";guess 1 "The machine has put the jammer in another dimension": 1 "The key does not fit": 1 "The first instruction is in fact "'" 1 "The Ludoids have gone, they haveleft a strange machine in the"'"campsite": 1 "The LUDOIDS have gone.": 1 "The LUDOIDS are involved in a"'"strange ceremony.": 1 "THIS WILL CAUSE A REACTION TO","TAKE PLACE IN THE ATMOSPHERE","WHICH WILL THEN ALLOW YOU TO","PASS ONTO THE NEXT LEVEL.","","","BEWARE OF THE FOLLOWING :","1...FALLING ONTO OBJECTS.","2...FALLING ONTO ROPES.","3...FALLING ONTO TRANSPORTORS.","4...BECOMING STARNDED.","5...LOW PLATFORMS." 1 "THE HOLD KEY ? " 1 "THE ACTION KEY ? " 1 "THE ABORT KEY ? " 1 "Sorry, I didn't understand."'"Try again.": 1 "Select upper screen channel","Open the channel","Put IX on the stack so that","We can pop it into DE","Put the string length in BC","Call the print string routine","Go back to the start." 1 "Rewind Tape & play to 1 "Reduce the column number by 1","If the column number is still over 0 then it is OK to print","If column is 0 then restore it to 1 to prevent leaving screen.","Then you can print." 1 "RND is a random number between 0 and 1, so RND*1000 is a randomnumber between 0 and 1000. INT means Integer, so x is a random whole number between 0 and 999.","The computer waits for you to type a number. When you press ENTER the number is assigned to the variable 'g'( for guess)." 1 "REWIND TAPE & PLAY": 1 "R.O.A.2 1 "Put empty cartridge in drive 1"'" 1 "PRINT LD A,2"'" CALL 1601H"'" PUSH IX"'" POP DE"'" LD BC,8 "'" CALL 203CH"'" JR START" 1 "PLAY THE TAPE": 1 "OOPS! wrong planet": 1 "NEIL",8789 1 "Make sure that your map is"'"accurate": 1 "Loading code": 1 "LUDOIDS #5" 1 "LOOK first": 1 "LEFT DEC (Ix+2)"'" JR NZ,PRINT"'" LD (IX+2),1"'" JR PRINT"'"RIGHT INC (IX+2)"'" LD A,29"'" CP (Ix+2)"'" JR NZ,PRINT"'" LD (IX+2),28" 1 "KEY TO MOVE RIGHT ? " 1 "KEY TO MOVE LEFT ? " 1 "JR START (start agin)" 1 "In which direction ?": 1 "If you end up with an error report, just type RUN & ENTER." 1 "If g is larger than x then printthat the unknown number is smaller.","If g is smaller than x then print that the unknown number isbigger.","If g is equal to x then print that the correct guess has been made.","Go back to line 20 so that a newguess can be entered." 1 "I'm not wild on QL keys,but theylook good and `20 is a bargain." 1 "I hope you don't stick around"'"too long.": 1 "Hi there !": 1 "EXAMine things": 1 "ENTRY code ? (or 1 "Do you want the instructions ? (Y/N)" 1 "DETECTOR","BAMBOO STICK","BOTTLE","(FILLED WITH PETROL)","CAN OF PETROL","TENT MATERIAL","LIGHTER","CIGARETTE PACKET" 1 "BIT 1,A (zero if Z pressed)"'"JR Z,LEFT (move left for Z)"'"BIT 2,A (zero if X is pressed)"'"JR Z,RIGHT (move right for X)" 1 "Are you sure ? Y/N"''"n.b. Press ""X"" to NEW this"'"program." 1 "Answer found in ";count;" goes." 1 "9";"The": 1 "9","1","3000","2","1800","42","3520","8","3540","30","3550","29","3550","15","3550","76","3580","77","3580" 1 "7";" Press Any Key ": 1 "7","2","1880","3","1600","4","1900","0","1820","42","1820","8","1895","7","2000" 1 "6","1","1880","3","1000","4","1500","0","1820","42","1820","8","1895" 1 "6"*A,B-256 1 "6")="u")+("and Down" 1 "5","1","2240","2","2250","3","2260","4","2270","8","2280" 1 "5")="w")+("up," 1 "41165",hb: 1 "41164",lb: 1 "4")="e"); 1 "3","2","1902","3","1900","7","1700" 1 "3","1","2000","2","1900","7","1500" 1 "3","1","1900","3","1800","7","1902" 1 "3","1","1600","3","2200","4","1800" 1 "3")="s")+("East," 1 "29")="1": 1 "28")="1": 1 "27")="1": 1 "22")="xx": 1 "22")="G": 1 "20")="c": 1 "2","1","1700","2","3500" 1 "2")="n")+("South," 1 "18"+n)="G" 1 "18"+M)=r$: 1 "18"+M)="G": 1 "18")="0": 1 "17")="1": 1 "16/48TITLE" 1 "16/48LOAD1" 1 "11","2","1630","3","1640","4","1650","28","1660","29","1660","30","1660","31","1660","39","1660","36","1660","8","1620","42","1690" 1 "''"as 23635 hold the address of 1 "''"You can now continue your quest."'"Write this code on the inlay"'"card so that you can start the next episode" 1 "'"Paul cunningham of Tameside"'" 1 "'"Mr S J Pearce from Barnes"'" 1 "'"Mr G P Tiller from Portsmouth." 1 "'"If it does not verify type GOTO GO": 1 "'"Graham Adair from Edinburgh"'" 1 "'"Colin Vanes from Brierly Hill"'" 1 "'" We will pay `10 for published letters or between `20 and `100 if you can send us an original program which we can feature."'"(Please enclose a SAE if you want your tape returned.)"''" Meanwhile enjoy the rest of the tape....": 1 ""the number is smaller than "";guess 1 ""smaller"""'"80 IF guess<x 1 ""smaller"""'"40 IF g<x 1 ""correct."""'"100 GO TO 40" 1 ""correct"""'"60 GO TO 20" 1 ""bigger"""'"90 IF guess=x 1 ""bigger"""'"50 IF g=x 1 ""a"","'"the program starts at 1 "","WELCOME TO :","RALPH ON ALPHA 2.","","","AUTHORS :","DARREN FARMER.","ANDREW DUNNE." 1 "","GRAPHICS :","ANDREW DUNNE.","","MUSIC :","DARREN FARMER.","","GAME CONCEPT :","21ST CENTURY SOFTWARE.","","WITH ACKNOWLEDGMENTS TO :","16/48 MAGAZINE." 1 "","","WARNING :","ANYONE CAUGHT COPYING THIS","GAME WILL BE SEVERELY SMACKED,","TOLD OFF AND MADE TO EAT","10LBS OF JELLIED EELS ....","","","","","@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@","@@@ YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED ! @@@","@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" 1 "","","TO START THE GAME :","PRESS THE 'S' KEY.","","","MOVEMENT KEYS :","CURSOR AND INTERFACE 2","CAN BE DEFINED.","","KEYS CURRENTLY SET AS :-","'"+K$(1 1 "","","","","NOW ENTERING DEMO MODE ....","","","","","QUIT" 1 to see the listing.(justkeep pressing ENTER to get back to this page.)"''"Press 1 to save the program to a blank tape"''" 1 to run the program againPress 1 to run the new version,"''"Press 1 to read again."; 1 to quit & load the MACHINE CODE TUTOR.(Out of the frying pan!)": 1 to quit & load the ADVENTURE.": 1 to move on." 1 to move on" 1 to escape." 1 to NEW it" 1 saves to Microdrive"''" 1 right and 1 for hard copy)" 1 add 1 to count 1 UNDER THE SLEEPING QUARTERS!! 1 Special Commands" 1 NEVER EVER TRY THIS 1 INTO THE CRYSTAL MINE WE GO ! 1 INSTRUCTIONS 1 How to play the game" 1 Entry code; 1 6 ""LUDOIDS #5""*F ""comp18""" 1 5 ""tutor9"" 1 4 ""BEGIN 1"" 1 3 ""edit"" 1 2 ""RALPH""* 1 1984 A.P.S. 1 16/48 Magazine Ltd. *6\$: 1 to make the program easier and more fun to use, and"''" 1 to make the listing clearer so that future editing by the author or someone else requires less deciphering." 1 Try to build up a repertoire of good programming practices." 1 THE SURVEILLANCE PLATFORM. 1 THE LIFE SUPPORT SYSTEM ! 1 Show how the program can be improved,"''" 1 INTO THE HEART OF THE MINES. 1 Explain the function of each line,"''" 1 THE VENTILATOR SHAFTS !!! 1 THE MAIN GENERATOR ROOM !! 1 LD A,2 (select channel) CALL 1601H (open channel) LD DE,SPRITE LD BC,08 (length) CALL 203CH RET 1 CENTRAL VENTILATOR SHAFTS. " 1 AT LAST !! - A WAY OUT ??? 1 % 1 THE MAIN MINE SHAFT !! 1 THE STRONG-HOLD 1 Program by Barry Thorne Graphics by Jim Dann 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1